All the admissions in NCKU are conducted in the principles of equity, fairness, and openness. There is no discrimination of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, disability, skin color, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or immigration status.
【學士】教務處/綜合業務組 (06) 2757575 ext. 50190
【碩士】教務處/綜合業務組 (06) 2757575 ext. 50197 湯小姐
【博士】教務處/綜合業務組 (06) 2757575 ext. 50198 黃小姐
【國外醫牙中醫學歷甄試】教務處/綜合業務組 (06) 2757575 ext. 50194 李小姐